Sunday, December 14, 2008


So why does life have so much tension?

Man vs. woman
Man vs. man
Man vs. nature (you know, eating and that kind of stuff)
Man vs. God
Man vs. time

I don't really have any answers, just some thoughts:

Man vs. woman

This one was a real surprise to me. You know, take the family relations class at BYU and just do it by the book. OR I'll do this with faith and it will all work out. Her "hang-ups" will melt away once she finds out what a neat guy I am. OOPS Now, I don't pretend that it's a one sided deal. There have been plenty of disappointments she has had to deal with. I just don't get the part about never forgetting or forgiving. What do you do when there has been so much damage the aircraft can't be repaired? How do you fix things and keep flying. I have thought about various options but the only one that comes back is to stick it out. How do couples who do not find or keep the "magic" keep on going? What do you end up with after a lifetime of tension?

I suppose that the God given reason for marriage between and man and a woman is to force the reconciliation which is required with 2 people living together and trying to manage a family. Women just see things differently, not incorrectly, just differently. Now if you get folks who are able or willing to "talk things over" and come to agreement then you can foresee a possibility of a building of "oneness". But if you don't talk or can not find a center to focus on then you get what you get. Sorry, no answers here.

Man vs. man

Well, at least in theory, man should be able to understand man. There are so many, though, that can not be satisfied by having enough, they must always have more than someone else. So if there are limited resources then someone must go without. I do not understand the need to compete this way. I guess that is just a part of the "lusts of the flesh".

Man vs. nature

Ah yes, "by the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread all the days of thy life". Whatever happened to retiring early, traveling, taking classes, going fishing? Not so my friend. Work we must, but the lunch is free (Hugh Nibley) strikes me as a high enough principle, it just seems odd that so many live on the edge. As a wealth American it is difficult to find time to worry about "starving children in Africa". It appears that having to worry about where to find the next meal can lead one to the required humility to find God. I should probably do that on a voluntary basis instead of waiting for a convenient time to get around to it.

Man vs. God

So we get to this. Why is it so difficult to align oneself to God? It is one thing to not know the truth and be struggling to find Him. It is another thing to find Him and then wander about, constantly fussing over if I want to be obedient or not. Of course this ends up with a lot more "not" than "do". I suppose if one can master the tension with God that all the other tensions will fall in line. I certainly enjoy the feelings of peace when I do not feel tense with God.

Man vs. time

Tick-tock goes the clock. Maybe this is just a Western culture thing. I can enjoy waisting lots of time playing on the computer, watching movies (for the third or fourth time), reading catalogs filled with toys, etc. Is there really tension here or is it just manifest in all the other tensions? I have fewer answers here than in the other areas.